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Sydney's Archbishop opposes Civil Unions

Mon 25 Feb 2008 In: International News View at Wayback

The Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal George Pell has again spoken out against moves towards Civil Unions in Australia, saying he would strongly oppose any proposal that equates homosexuality with with marriage of a man and a woman. Cardinal George Pell Pell, the highest ranking prelate in the Catholic Church of Australia, was in Auckland at the weekend to garner support for World Youth Day being held in Sydney in July. Asked about Civil Unions by Radio New Zealand National host Kathryn Ryan on Friday morning, he began: "with anyone who's suffering from a disadvantage, we have to offer our sympathy to them. "The Australian Parliament has passed legislation before the second to last election, saying that marriage can only be celebrated between a man and a woman, and I support that." Pell said that with falling birth rates, extra-nuptial births, and all the pressures on the family, it's entirely appropriate "in its own interests and in the interests of society, that governments privilege the union of a man and a woman for them to have children, to remain faithful to each other and to look after those children. "I think it's in society's self-interest to continue to legally protect heterosexual marriage." Pell has a reputation for being very outspoken and direct on politics and current events, such as global warming, Islam, the role of women in the church, and homosexuality. Australia's Prime Minister Kevin Rudd recently said he supports plans for a nationwide relationships register as a positive and productive way to formally recognise same-sex relationships. Pell concluded: "I would oppose any proposal that was going to equate homosexuality with the marriage of a man and a woman. I would oppose it and oppose it strongly for reasons that I said. Lesser alternatives so that obligations in justice can be effectively met - well, we could ride with them." The full audio of the interview with Cardinal George Pell is available on the top link below.    

Credit: News Staff

First published: Monday, 25th February 2008 - 11:33am

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