Hamilton is shivering with "antici...pation" at spending this Sunday evening with Richard O'Brien, the creator of camp cult hit The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Rocky statue on Hamilton's Victoria Street Hosted by TV One's Mark Sainsbury, the evening will be "a strange and revealing journey" of O'Brien's life, music and memoirs at the Gallagher Concert Chamber at 7pm this Sunday 16 December. O'Brien was previously a resident of Hamilton, where the statue of Riff Raff, central character from The Rocky Horror Picture Show, has been erected on the former site of the Embassy Theatre on Victoria Street. Richard worked as a barber in the adjacent building and was inspired by the theatre's late night double features to write his show. Two years later, The Rocky Horror Picture Show was adapted into a film which has since become one of the most well known and financially successful midnight movies. The event precedes a new musical docudrama due to be filmed next year about Richard's past - tracking his journey from small, frail boy, bound for a life of farming in New Zealand, to cult hero of the silver screen. Writer/director Fiona Jackson is keen to seize the opportunity to further Hamilton's status as a city capable of producing creative arts projects of an international standard.
Credit: GayNZ.com News Staff
First published: Thursday, 13th December 2007 - 5:54pm