has once again been acknowledged as New Zealand's most used gay and lesbian website, receiving another quarterly award from independent Australasian web monitoring company Hitwise. has regularly received Hitwise awards for the past three years since Hitwise first began monitoring gay and lesbian-related sites, but a spokesperson for says the July to September period award is particularly gratifying given the complexity and technical hazards associated with a major site re-vamp which occurred in the middle of this period. " is a volunteer-driven not for profit site, with only one paid employee," says's Content Editor Jay Bennie. "It is a testament to the commitment and hard work of everyone who contributes to the site, and to quality of their contributions, that continues to hold the number one position in New Zealand," he says. The Hitwise award is based on the number of visits by New Zealand internet users.
Credit: News Staff
First published: Wednesday, 14th November 2007 - 1:34pm