's Wellington readers may have noticed a so-called Support Good Morals Campaign distributing scurrilous antigay leaflets in the Central North Island. Until recently, it was assumed that the SGMC was nothing more than a front group for the Society for Promotion of Community Standards, which appears to have taken time off from annoying film festival organisers by attempted schedule sabotage and vexatious litigation. However, courtesy of today's Dominion Post, I can disclose the true culprits behind this organisation. No, it isn't an SPCS front group, and it doesn't have a website either. Yes, it is a Reformed Church of New Zealand front group. I suppose that explains why its propaganda materialised on Gary Milne's Campaign Against Civil Unions website - both Milne and de Vries belong to the same, shrinking right-wing conservative Calvinist sect. Once again, though, I have to ask something, as the Campaign Against Civil Unions still hasn't answered my question: Given that the Reformed Church of New Zealand General Synod left the question open in 1989, can either gentleman confirm or deny that theonomic proponents of capital punishment for lesbians and gay men are amongst their number? It's a simple question. And here's another one: The Reformed Church membership is a mere three thousand, while their SPCS cronies only number half that. Can either organisation be said to be representative of public opinion? Craig Young - 8th December 2004