The new Wellington branch of Lions Clubs International - the world's largest secular service club organisation - is the first LGBT Lions Club in New Zealand. With the traditional Lion's motto "We Serve", Wellington Pride Lions Club is made up mainly of gay and lesbian members, and will support the queer community and also the wider Wellington community. "Basically we are a service organisation that assists our communities, explains Club President David Huxford. "There are other GLBT Lions Clubs around the world. I'm not sure how many but we know of at least two in the USA. Ours is the first in New Zealand and possibly Oceania." In accordance with Lions Club rules, all funds raised by the clubs from the general public will be used for charitable purposes, with administration costs kept strictly separate and paid for by members. Wellington Pride Lions Club members have begun collecting old spectacles, which is a traditional activity Lions Clubs do worldwide. The spectacles are recycled to people in need, says Huxford. Fundraising events are planned to raise money for good causes. "We made an early decision at the Club to supportthe wider Wellington Community, not just the GLBT community. "Our reason for this is that we are more likely to obtain support at our events from other Lions Clubs if we are supporting the entire community. In most cases, fundraising events require the support of other clubs to make them successful." To become a Club member you need to be invited by a standing member, and to become a Club, the new Pride Wellington Lions have been sponsored by another Lions Club - in this case, Wellington Host. "As part of the process of becoming an official Lions Club, we are hosting what is known as a Chartering Dinner. In International Lions terms, this is a very special occasion," says Huxford. International Lions Club Vice President Albert F. Brandel will be in attendance. The Wellington Pride Lions Club's Chartering Dinner will be held at the Overseas Terminal Function Centre in Oriental Bay on Thursday 15 November and are keen to fill the venue. All are welcome to come and celebrate. Tickets are $70 per person and includes dinner and entertainment. The club is taking RSVPs by email so contact them on to reserve a place. Ref: Wellington Pride Lions Club (m)
Credit: News Staff
First published: Friday, 26th October 2007 - 12:20pm