Tue 16 Oct 2007 In: New Zealand Daily News View at Wayback View at NDHA
The Maori Party has taken the New Zealand AIDS Foundation to task for spending too much time working with gay white males - at the expense of Maori and other local groups affected by HIV. Tariana Turia MP Maori Party health spokesperson Tariana Turia says she's also concerned the NZAF has become a "hotbed of controversy", with "a mass exodus of staff" and no confidence in its leadership. Turia was reacting to the most recent information from the AIDS Epidemiology Group, which identifies an increase in HIV diagnoses among Maori in the first six months of this year. “The September 2007 report reveals that HIV infection amongst Maori has risen from 6.4% of all notifications in 2006, to 11.4% in the first six months of 2007,” she said. Twelve of the 105 people found to be infected with HIV are identified as Maori. “The sharp increase in HIV infection amongst Maori for this first half year is an early warning that we ignore at our peril," Turia warns. “I have advised the Minister of Health some two months ago, about concerns reported to me, that the needs of Maori living with HIV, HIV positive women, migrant and refugees were being neglected in favour of white gay men." Members of the affected community have also told Turia of their lack of confidence in the Foundation's leadership, she says. “They have told us of a mass exodus of staff who have resigned; of a number of current cases of personal grievances, culminating in a letter of no-confidence sent to the Board." In response, NZAF Board Chair Hoani Jeremy Lambert says Turia's statements demonstrate a fundamental lack of understanding of the epidemic and the services of the Foundation. The NZAF has a comprehensive programme specifically aimed at preventing HIV transmission amongst Maori, he explains. “The work of our Hauora Takataapui team appears to have been overlooked by Mrs Turia. On behalf of the Foundation, I would like to recognise the hard work of our talented Maori staff.” The NZAF is funded by the Ministry of Health to deliver prevention programmes both to men who have sex with men, and African refugee and migrant communities. Aside from these programmes, general funding for the prevention of STIs, including HIV heterosexual transmission is held by other agencies. “Perhaps Mrs Turia is unaware of this,” says Lambert. “We have provided care and support services for all people living with and affected by HIV, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation for over 20 years and is proud to do so," he concludes. Ref: Maori Party, NZAF (m)
Credit: GayNZ.com News Staff
First published: Tuesday, 16th October 2007 - 4:48pm