The owner of Auckland's newest LGBT venue on Ponsonby Road says Dorothy's Sister is all set for summer, with a newly-renovated back patio section and regular events organised. Peter A. Taylor A free sausage sizzle is planned for this Labour weekend Sunday after 5pm - "and from Saturday 10th November we will have a drag show at around 10.30pm each week," says Peter A. Taylor. "My character 'Vera' will make her coming out, and we'll also have guest performers from time to time". Drag performances from Onya Knees were a popular weekly event in Taylor's old Surrender Dorothy bar, and people have been asking for similar shows to return, he explains. Meanwhile, classic movie nights have started at Dorothy's Sister on the second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month. "We'll entertain you with gay - and not so gay - movie choices, aiming to show movies that are not easily available in your local video store. It's free entry those nights - enjoy a drink and dinner while watching the movie upstairs". A $2 raffle of a DVD helps pay for the projector, Taylor says. Dorothy's Sister's a new website, featuring pictures, menus and news of events, is linked below. Ref: (m)