Taito Phillip Field (photo: NZ Herald) "Triangular loves?!!" For yes, despite being betrothed to the clammy clutches of Destiny New Zealand, Gordon Copeland longs for another co-leader - Taito Philip Field. But is Field playing hard to get? Yesterday, the Christian Coalition II fiasco took another step as Gordon Copeland and Future New Zealand seemed to be lusting after Taito Philip Field's seat- Mangere, his electorate seat, that is, and the fact that Mr Field is still under investigation for alleged shady doings, which may result in a court case and possible conviction, means little to Copeland, Baldock and their colleagues. However, Field has apparently had a representative at the National Advisory Committee meetings that are supposed to be establishing Christian Coalition II (aka The Blob), and this gentleman, Ian Anderson, stated that Field was bewildered at Copeland and Future New Zealand's obstructionist tactics, which appear to be aimed at excluding Destiny Church from any meaningful involvement in the future shape of separatist conservative Christian politics in New Zealand. Copeland is currently being lambasted by members of the otherwise anonymous National Advisory Committee for his fit of pique over Tamaki and Lewis' premature announcement of the new party's formation, with Lewis protesting his innocence. All of which leaves me feeling suspicious. If we needed any more reminders that the shenanigans of the fundamentalist parties are irrelevant to the real centre of Christian Right activity these days, witness the silence of the Maxim Institute and Exclusive Brethren, both centred on the far more strategically meaningful opposition to the Electoral Finance Reform Bill. For better or for worse, the Christian Right's major players see their future within the National Party, not in some meaningless and irrelevant vanity vehicles. Craig Young - 21st September 2007