A Qantas flight attendant has been stood down over claims he offered a 15-year-old Porirua boy his number and asked him to chat online. When the teenager refused to give his cellphone number, the steward allegedly gave him his own number and invited him to chat on the Bebo website, reports the Dominion Post. The 15-year-old was traveling unaccompanied - his mother met up with him after the journey from Wellington to Auckland. "It's just disgusting. It made me feel sick all night," she tols the Press anonymously. "My son was freaked out. He's just an innocent little kid. "He thought this guy was just chatting to him, but when he asked for his cellphone number ... that was crossing the line." Qantas say they are taking the matter seriously and are investigating the incident. Ref: Dominion Post (m)
Credit: GayNZ.com News Staff
First published: Wednesday, 5th September 2007 - 12:39pm