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Review: I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry

Sun 18 Oct 2009 In: Movies View at Wayback View at NDHA

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and then (b) after watching this film, decide gays aren't that bad after all? Even in America, I suspect not. So basically what we have here is a waste of time which is borderline offensive to women, Asian people, real New York fire-fighters, and the viewing audience. And remember, this movie's entire plot has all been done a couple of years ago in Australia, with a vastly superior film called 'Strange Bedfellows'. See this one, not the Chuck and Larry rip-off. I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry plays on TV3 at 8:30pm this Saturday 24 October. Matt Akersten - 18th October 2009    

Credit: Matt Akersten

First published: Sunday, 18th October 2009 - 2:28pm

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