HIV-positive peer support networks will play a key part in determining criteria for NZAF's revised Wellness Fund, which provides grants for care and support within the positive community. The Wellness Fund has been subject to growing debate in the community over several aspects of its purpose and eligibility criteria, as well as its fairness in distributing money. A working group, made up of representatives from HIV-positive peer support groups around the country, an HIV or allied health professional and NZAF staff, will meet in September to formulate new criteria addressing these concerns. NZAF Positive Health Manager Eamonn Smythe says the working group meeting is the final stage in a widespread community consultation which has taken longer than expected. “We had originally planned to have the revised Wellness Fund criteria up and running by December last year, but it became apparent after we started receiving submissions from the positive community that the range of opinion was even more diverse than we anticipated.” The Wellness Fund was originally set up in the late 1980s through all four of NZAF's centres across the country, at a time when no treatments were available for HIV. The advent of new medications, the increasing number and variety of people living with HIV made it vital that all aspects of the Wellness Fund were reviewed in light of modern needs, Smythe says. “The input of HIV-positive peer support groups is key to this process, and we're looking forward to a constructive and productive meeting in September.” Ref: NZAF (Press Release)