Sometimes it's hard to get a straight answer, or any answer, to a simple question. Here are ten seemingly simple questions would like answers to. Sometime soon, please. 1: If the NZ Herald reported him so inaccurately, what does new Anglican Archbishop Vercoe really think about glbt folk and recognition of our relationships? He won't talk about it to anyone. 2: What happened to the $30,000 said to be missing from Auckland's Pride Centre? Police and "internal" investigations started over seven months ago (!) but the Centre's spokespeople are still seriously reticent about discussing the matter. 3: How did the NZ Herald come by it's anti-Civil Unions opinion piece by American Christian fundamentalist Samuel Gregg? 4: Were Garth George or the Maxim Institute or both involved in its sourcing? 5: Just what is the full truth about the connection between art curator Peter Shaw and the killer of gay decorator David McNee? Even the ferociously tenacious Winston Peters can't seem to get to the bottom of this one. 6: Who were all those Auckland glbt people John Banks claimed financially supported his recent campaign for the Auckland mayoralty? We'd love to interview a few... or even one. Anonymously if necessary. 7: What on earth was Mark Blumsky thinking back when he accepted the presidency of the anti-gay United Future political party? As Wellington mayor he seemed seriously ok with glbt folk and issues. Odd. 8: Why are some middle-aged gay men still contracting the deadly HIV virus? Despite the efforts of the NZAF, Ministry of Health and others no-one seems to know for sure yet. 9: Sean Lofts, what was your role when Hero plunged into financial ruin while you were managing it? But Sean flitted to Australia and for three years has avoided and ignored our questions and invitations to present his side of the story. 10: Just how old is drag diva Miss K? Ok, to be honest, we're just too scared to ask her! Jay Bennie - 31st October 2004