Gloria Gaynor, the American singer whose hit ‘I Will Survive' is seen as a gay anthem, told BBC radio yesterday that gay people should embrace Christ – and that her status as a gay icon allows her to lead them to Him. She repeatedly refused to say whether or not she thinks homosexuality is wrong. Many readers have contacted to complain about her comments. Ms Gaynor, a committed Christian, is currently on a tour of the UK. When asked by presenter Jane Little how she feels about being a gay icon, she replied: "I feel good about it because I feel it is a platform for my purpose, which is to bring the love of Christ to all of my fans. "Because they trust me, I think." Little asked: "So you see it as an evangelistic thing. Do you have a religious opposition to homosexuality?" GG: "I want to lead them to Christ and what he has for them. I want to lead them to him, I want to lead them to truth." JL: "Do you see homosexuality as something sinful?" GG: "I want to lead them to Christ, simply, and whatever he has for them." reader Anne Morgan said: "I think this is incredible considering her songs are both gay and feminist anthems. In the same interview she replied "Oh no" when asked if she was a feminist. "I wonder what would happen her record sales in the UK if it was widely known how homophobic she is." Listen to the interview with Gloria Gaynor at the link below. Ref:, BBC (m)