Auckland-based LGBT social and support network Rainbow Youth has begun a free service to assist their members to quit smoking. The organisation now has a registered Smoking Cessation person with Quitline, who is able to provide Quit Smoking Cessation advice and give Government-subsidised medication such as patches and gum for people who have made the decision to quit. Garry Palupe is Middlemore Hospital’s ‘Smokefree Ambassador’ and says he has a passion with ensuring that New Zealand's young people are educated on the effects of smoking. 35% of the general New Zealand population smokes tobacco. Rainbow Youth doesn’t acquire information on how many of its members smoke, but Rainbow Youth’s Youth Coordinator Robert Marshall estimates it would be a little less than that. “We don’t encourage it; we ask the members to smoke away from our social groups,” he says. Preliminary research from a Ministry of Health study on smoking suggests that almost 75% of 15-19 year olds who currently smoke say they would choose not to if they could turn back the clock. “The idea behind our non-smoking drive is the earlier you can prevent smoking the less damage it will do to a person,” explains Marshall. Quitline offers free telephone support, resources and low cost nicotine patches or gum to New Zealand residents. Phone 0800 778 778 if you would like to speak to a Quitline Advisor. Related links: Ref: Rainbow Youth, Quitline (m)