A Nashville middle school teacher who equated calling something "gay" with the use of the N word has been suspended for three days without pay. Stephen Henry, a sixth-grade teacher at Creswell Arts Magnet School, overheard a student describe something as "gay." Henry approached the girl who is reportedly African American and asked her how she would feel if he were to use the N word. The girl later complained to her parents. In response to an email to Henry from Principal Dorothy Gunn questioning the incident the teacher, with 21-years experience said that he wanted to use the incident to teach the meaning words can have on people. "Because it has been my practice all year long to address teachable moments when they present themselves ... I felt compelled to pursue that lesson," Henry wrote in the email. "I stated that regardless of what one means, when emotionally-charged words are used, the intent of the speaker is often never heard or understood by those who actually hear the offending words." The student's mother said she believed Henry was not intending to insult the girl but middle school students are too young for such a discussion. Henry has said he intends to appeal the suspension. In addition to teaching he was recently elected vice president of the Metro Nashville Education Association. He also is vice president of the Tennessee LGBT Equality Project. Ref: 365gay.com (m)