The Rainbow Caucus of the NZ Labour Party celebrates today as the International Day against Homophobia, and will continue to fight hate and discrimination in all its forms, says a statement today signed by all the Rainbow Labour MPs. The Rainbow Labour Caucus comprises the Hon Chris Carter MP, Tim Barnett MP, Maryan Street MP and Charles Chauvel MP. "The International Day against Homophobia is the result of the work accomplished by many people and organisations from around the world having worked collectively for the rights of the GBLT community over the years," say the MPs. "IDAHO respects the principle that this day belongs to all GBLT people. The day itself is not a campaign, but offers space for different individuals, groups and organisations to organise initiatives. "In addition to the many actions held around the world in the context of fighting homophobia, the principle of a Day against Homophobia is now recognised by many organisations (both civil society and public bodies). The Rainbow Labour Caucus is proud to have contributed to the internationalisation of this principle, in particular by publicising the IDAHO initiative chaired by Mr. Louis-George Tin since 2005, and by making an annual public statement in support of IDAHO since then, either directly or via the wider Rainbow Labour membership. "The Rainbow Labour Caucus will continue to promote IDAHO, including by lobbying for institutional recognition of the day. We support all initiatives aimed at using this IDAHO to fight homophobia in all its forms. "We hope that in time to come, we can celebrate the removal of all forms of hate and discrimination against GBLT people and promote diversity and acceptance." Wellingtonian Peter Cowley will give out IDAHO flyers and posters today outside St Andrew's on The Terrace, with members of St. Andrew's Social Justice group. 12pm until about 1.30pm or until we run out, whichever comes first," he says. The official International Day Against Homophobia website is on the link below. Ref: Rainbow Labour (m)