Last Monday 27 September, Brian Tamaki's TV2 Destiny Television (6.30am, TV2) attacked the Civil Union Bill and LGBT communities once again. Tamaki seems to think he's above the Code of Broadcasting Practice. In 2003, several complainants objected to another Destiny Television anti-gay rant session, and the Broadcasting Standards Authority held that Tamaki had made assertions that had crossed the line from a legitimate expression of belief to an "unacceptable suggestion of intolerance." The Authority didn't uphold sanctions related to Sections 4 (balance) and 5 (accuracy) of the Code of Broadcasting Practice, but they regarded Destiny Television as an 'opinion programme.' However, they did find that Section 13 (1)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989 had been violated, and that Destiny Television had violated 'fairness' provisions related to the expression of religious, cultural or political ideology (BSA Decision 2003- 14/158). Tamaki asserted that the mainstream media carried on like a "piranha pool," and he and Hannah congratulated themselves about the Enough is Enough merchandising campaign. They didn't bother to apologise for offending members of the Jewish community with their fascistic iconography, at a time when Wellington Jewish cemetaries had been attacked. They congratulated Australia's conservative federal government for legislating against same-sex marriage. Then Hannah and Brian whinged about people who didn't understand that the Civil Union Bill was all about social change as part of a lesbian and gay-oriented social reform agenda. Of course, Destiny Church doesn't have its own Christian Right political agenda? If not, could Tamaki explain to the rest of us why he felt obliged to rave about the evils of homosexual law reform, prostitution law reform and abortions for young women under sixteen. Oh, and according to the rightist reverend, lesbians and gay men are "dysfunctional," "diseased" and "unnatural." The Civil Union Bill and pro-gay educational initiatives are lambasted about "normalising" "types of behaviour." Yes, this latest outburst probably is against the Code of Broadcasting Practice and Section 13 (1)(i) of the Broadcasting Act 1989. Complaints please to the Broadcasting Standards Authority... Recommended Websites: Broadcasting Standards Authority: Read about the Code of Broadcasting Practice, and read Decision 2003-14/158 (Destiny Television) through its onsite search engine. Their email address is also onsite. Destiny Church/New Zealand Craig Young - 28th September 2004