The dip in HIV infections amongst gay and bi men in New Zealand is being welcomed by the country's largest support group for HIV positive men, which is none the less concerned that the risk of contracting HIV is growing year by year. Body Positive Auckland says a decrease in the rate of HIV infections, from an all-time annual high of 90 in 3005 to 70 in 2006, is always welcomed and reinforces the message that people need to practise safer sex. But BP spokesperson Bruce Kilmister says the organisation is concerned that the pool of people with HIV is still growing yearly and the risk of HIV gay and bi men contracting HIV is greater year by year. "More and more men join the ranks of people with HIV and most are still well and sexually active," he says, "but 25 to 33 percent of men with HIV remain unaware of their infection". Kilmister has observed that once men realise they have HIV they are more inclined to practise safer sex. "That is reflected in statistics gathered by sexual health clinics, which show that people with HIV are less likely to contract other STDs, an indication that they are using condoms and having safer sex," he says. As the HIV infection rate has soared in the past six years Kilmister says Body Positive's resources have been strained. He advises gay and bi men to test regularly, noting that "it's better to know the facts" about HIV and health status. A summary of the infection figures for each of the last ten years is available for download below. Ref: (j)