Dr. Don Brash voiced regret yesterday in Parliament on his voting over the Civil Union Bill. In his final speech in Parliament, he spoke of the highlights and regrets of his time in politics. “I made some mistakes,” Dr. Brash admitted. “Like confusing friend and foe alike by voting for the first reading of the Civil Union legislation and against the second reading, on the grounds that such a major change in our social institutions should require ratification in a referendum - while making it clear that I'd vote for such a referendum. ” Dr. Brash formally retires on 5 February 2007. Meanwhile, the National party's new leader John Key told GayNZ.com last week that he just followed the wishes of his electorate when he voted against Civil Unions last year. "Personally I have no problems with Civil Unions... there was an argument put forward that civil unions would undermine marriage, and I never believed that line. I have been married for 22 years and the fact that a gay couple may choose to have a Civil Union would have absolutely no impact on my marriage to my wife," he said. Ref: Stuff, New Zealand Herald (m)
Credit: GayNZ.com News Staff
First published: Wednesday, 13th December 2006 - 12:00pm