If you're a transgendered New Zealander, the Human Rights Commission needs your input – and the deadline is looming. Online submissions to the Human Rights Commission's transgender inquiry are due this Friday. Over a twelve month period, the Human Rights Commission is looking at discrimination and human rights issues for transgender people. This will cover a wide range of communities who face discrimination because of their gender identity, for example transsexuals (MtF and FtM), transguys, whakawâhine, crossdressers, fa'afafine, fakaleiti, akava'ine and mahu. The Commission's Inquiry involves meetings with transgender people, their families, government agencies, health professionals and others who work with transgender people. The Wellington, central Auckland and Christchurch hearings have taken place and were powerful and moving, says coordinator Jack Bryne. For further information about the inquiry, please contact Carolyne Jurriaans at the Human Rights Commission on 09 375 8616 or 0274 313 239. Ref: GayNZ.com (m)
Credit: GayNZ.com News Staff
First published: Wednesday, 6th December 2006 - 12:00pm