A new television series hosted by Auckland performer Mika, hits New Zealand primetime television this Sunday evening at 8pm. Mika will host special guests and perform with 55 other artists in the new Maori Television ‘Te Mika Show'. “There's so little live entertainment in the age of reality TV,” says Mika, “and my show will bring together a diverse range of people for the purpose of having fun.” Making it to primetime is something Mika is particularly proud of. “There was a time when I was considered beyond ‘over the top'. Now I'm slotted as primetime family entertainment!” “Is it society or Mika who has changed?” he asks rhetorically. “Of all the TV networks I have worked with in various roles, Maori Television allows the most creative freedom,” says Mika. This is the second series Mika has produced for the network, and offshore networks have already requested copies of the current series. Special guests include TV3's John Campbell, who “was a pleasure to entertain,” and entertainer Jacqui Clarke, who was “a delight.” Other guests include Tina Cross, Nesian Mystik, Labour MP Georgina Beyer and the Maori Madonna, “which was a hoot.” The variety show features Mika's own “punky band the Plastic Maori,” a fa'afafine “who looks very little like yours truly,” drag kings, a “cookie-icing competition that has to be seen to be believed,” and music by David Atai of Nesian Mystik fame. Wellington's drag diva Polyfilla features in the ‘Crafty Corner' game show segment. She is also the show's wardrobe assistant, ensuring quality control for the costumes of 55 performers. The show, which airs on Maori TV this Sunday at 8pm, will run for 13 episodes. Ref: GayNZ.com (d)