Gay marriage will be outlawed and transgender Cook Islanders denied the possibility of legally changing their gender, once the Marriage Amendment Bill, which is expected to pass, is voted on later this week in the Cook Islands Parliament. Introduced into the House by Justice Minister Tangata Vavia, the bill is designed to outlaw marriage for homosexuals and deem that transgender people legally remain the gender associated with their biological sex at birth. Vavia told the Cook Islands News he is promoting the bill as a matter of “morality and righteousness.” He slammed New Zealand's Civil Union Act, saying, “if same-sex civil union is what some people want, then they can go to New Zealand for it.” The Chair of the Religious Advisory Council Pastor Tutai Pere commended Vavia, saying “it's a step in the right direction and I am sure my council will be thrilled with it. This is indeed an answer to our prayer and fasting for our politicians and our nation.” It is expected the bill will be enacted at its second reading, within a week, after the current budget debate. Ref: Cook Islands News / Pacnews (d)