Mystery surrounds the sudden resignation of the gay man who was appointed to help re-brand National Party leader Don Brash. Garreth Spillane left his job as events organiser and fundraiser for the NZ AIDS Foundation earlier this year to tackle improving Brash's image at public events. His coordination of the most recent Big Gay Out gay family picnic days in Auckland is understood to have been one of the items on his CV which impressed the National Party. Spillane's appointment puzzled some in the gay communities given National's flirtation with the Brethren, an ultra-conservative and anti-gay Christian sect. Brash also backed off supporting the Civil Unions bill after initially indicating he was in agreement with its aims and the party, which has one openly gay MP, has taken an increasingly conservative stance on gay issues. Spillane has not been available to discuss his resignation, but the NZ Herald understands that questions had been raised about his work background which resulted in an investigation by Parliamentary Services. It is reported that after the results of the investigation were brought to Spillane's attention he tendered his resignation, and it was accepted. Ref: NZ Herald; (j)