The government is considering its position in relation to Green MP Metiria Turei's gay adoption Bill, and is “talking about” whether or not to introduce its own legislation, reports the NZ Press Association. Turei's private member's Bill, the Adoption (Equity) Amendment Bill, is currently in the Parliamentary ballot, but very few of these Bills ever become law. Currently only married couples or gay or straight singles can adopt, while de facto and same-sex couples cannot. Turei has called the current legislation outdated and discriminatory. “In some ways it's a very small legislative hole but it has big impacts for gay and lesbian couples and there's no policy reason at all why it shouldn't be filled,” said Turei. “It's just none of the other political parties have had the gumption to do it.” Gay MP Chris Carter has said he personally favours the Bill. The government has launched a review of the current adoption law, and once the work is complete, options will be presented to cabinet. A public poll, asking readers their views on adoption by same-sex couples currently features on the front page of
Credit: News Staff
First published: Wednesday, 12th July 2006 - 12:00pm