Christchurch Pride Week, held in May, has raised $3500, which is being pumped into local LGBT community groups and a local hospice, reports the New Zealand AIDS Foundation. Beneficiaries of the second annual Pride Week are Qtopia Inc, UniQ Canterbury, Lesbian Radio, Otatahi Lesbian Outpost, PolyQ CPSA, and the Joy Crumpton Trust, which provides care for those living with AIDS. “All money raised at Pride Week, less running costs, gets redistributed back into the community,” says Pride Week co-ordinator and NZAF Health Promoter Brent Mitchell. “The bigger crowd numbers and larger programme of events this year meant we were able to raise more money for the community, and that's great.” Pride Week organisers have also started a Pride Bracelet programme for South Island LGBT groups. “Community groups can buy the bracelets at low cost from the New Zealand AIDS Foundation to sell on,” Mitchell says. “All money raised by NZAF from the sale of the bracelets will also go back into supporting South Island groups.” Interested groups can obtain stock by phoning Brent Mitchell at the South/Te Toka office of the NZAF, phone 03 379 1953.