Organisers of a new Southland LGBT support group are thrilled with the local response, with almost 40 locals attending the inaugural get-together, including a significant number of under 25-year-olds. The new group, Southland Gay and Lesbian Support (SGnLS) has since held their first trust board meeting, and formalised outreach plans for gays and lesbians of all ages. “We're thrilled with the response,” says the group's spokesperson Robyn Flowers. “The need is huge, therefore, the potential is huge!” The group was set up in conjunction with Public Health South “out of a concern that non-heterosexual Southlanders were are risk of being socially isolated, and of living in fear of homophobia and prejudice.” “They hit the nail on the head!” says Flowers, adding that while the focus will be on LGBT youth (16-25 year-olds), “we won't be leaving anyone out. We want to cater for all ages, all stages.” Six people have put themselves forward as members of the inaugural trust board, and the group are hoping to attract two more board members, preferably under the age of 25. SGnLS have formalised their constitution and assigned portfolios in areas including education and awareness, Support Line coordination and funding. The Support Line will be established within the next few weeks, to tie in with the 20th anniversary of homosexual law reform. The group will work in conjunction with the New Zealand AIDS Foundation and local schools to provide ongoing youth education, by raising awareness of LGBT issues and distributing resources. People interested in becoming members can contact the group directly on via Stephen Jenkins, Public Health South, on 03 211 0900.