10.00AM: A conservative Catholic pressure group, Family Life International, has labelled the calls of Green Party MP Metiria Turei to overturn anti-gay adoption laws, as "outrageous." On Sunday, Turei labelled the Adoption Act "obscure" and "archaic" for not providing for adoption by same-sex couples. Turei claimed the Labour-led government has failed to fulfil it's 2002 promise to overhaul the Adoption Act due to its Parliamentary support arrangements with the more conservative New Zealand First and United Future parties. Brendan Malone of Family Life International has slammed Turei and the Green Party, saying they are "more interested in the selfish wants of adults over the genuine needs of children. Ms Turei is completely focussed on the wants of a social minority." Malone claims that research clearly shows that a heterosexual marriage is the best environment for raising children. "On the one hand the Green Party claims that it is pro-child with its anti-smacking bill, yet at the same time they are more than happy to condone homosexual parenting which is detrimental to the well being of young people."