The organisers of a glbt youth leadership hui in Wellington have decided to shelve the event, only a month after opening registrations. The management for glbt youth development project Out There, organisers of the hui, have decided to postpone the event due to the departure of project co-ordinator Sarah Helm. Helm apologised in an email for the disruption to the plans, but said she had made every "attempt to proceed with the hui despite my plans to leave Out There. When the new coordinator is appointed I will ask them to make contact with all young people registered for the hui as soon as they're able." Helm is leaving Out There to take up a the position of National Executive Officer at the NZ Association for Adolescent Health Development, an umbrella organisation for those working in youth health. As Out There is a member of this organisation, Helm says she hopes she can continue to work alongside it and the SS4Q (Safety in Schools For Queers) programme.
Credit: News Staff
First published: Thursday, 15th December 2005 - 12:00pm