The anti-gay Marriage (Gender Clarification) Amendment Bill is set to have its first reading in Parliament on 7 December. The discredited Maxim Institute is urging its members and supporters to lobby their MP in support of the measure, which would ban same-sex marriage in law, and nullify overseas same-sex marriages or civil unions in New Zealand. The Bill, sponsored by United Future MP Gordon Copeland, changes the Marriage Act to specify that marriage can only be between one man and one woman, that any same-sex union performed overseas is not recognized in New Zealand, and amends the Bill of Rights Act so that "measures to promote or advance marriage" are not considered discriminatory. The Maxim Institute warns its members that unless the Bill is passed, it will only be a matter of time before we see not only same-sex marriage in this country, but marriage between close family members. The Institute reminds its members that trouble is already afoot, with other countries allowing same-sex marriage and New Zealand already allowing same-sex civil unions. Should a court redefine marriage to include homosexuals, Maxim suggests collapse in society through the loss of the traditional family. Maxim is urging its supporters to lobby their local MP in support of the anti-gay Bill, particularly National Party MPs, favoured by Maxim, who are treating it as a conscience vote. They are being encouraged to visit or email their MP, or telephone parliament.
Credit: News Staff
First published: Monday, 28th November 2005 - 12:00pm