Multimillionaire anti-gay campaigner John Sax says "absolutely" to a return to the New Zealand family circa 1950, saying he sees no option but to turn back the tide of social change. “New Zealanders know what has gone wrong,” he told Metro magazine. “If we turn around and say to young people that relationships don't matter, that you can shack up with anything, in any shape or form and come and go as you want...then we will continue to have what we have.” "What we have", according to Sax, is outlined in social research he has derived from the American anti-gay conservative think tank, the Heritage Foundation. Sax claims to have looked at 400 pieces of social research that supports his view that traditional marriage is best, and says academics have always declined his challenge to prove him wrong. Sax also noted his disappointment over losing support from Auckland Mayor Dick Hubbard for his continued campaigns, following a public outrcry from Hubbard's supporter of a Sax letter to MPs last year, which alleged that gay parents were more likely to abuse and murder their children. No statistical back-up was provided for this claim. "The gay community were quite vicious in their response," Sax told Metro.
Credit: News Staff
First published: Tuesday, 1st November 2005 - 12:00pm