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Labour's Homosexual Agenda

Sat 10 Sep 2005 In: New Zealand Daily News

A Christian fundamentalist group calling itself the "Society For Promotion Of Community Standards Inc" have put out a press release warning the public of the Labour Party's "hidden Homosexual Agenda". They say the Party's "hidden" agenda is to boost the number of high profile feminist, gay and gay-rights lobbyists in parliament, citing in particular two lesbians on their party list, Maryan Street and Louisa Wall, as well as Helen Clarke's advisor, heather Simpson, also lesbian. The SPCS press release says Labour thinks that having more homosexuals in parliament will help achieve its "social engineering legislative programme"; which apparently includes same-sex marriage, gay adoption, anti-discrimination laws and hate-speech laws. These moves are, according to the group, designed to "crush all criticisms of promiscuous homosexual lifestyles." The SPCS have been outspoken on a number of anti-gay issues, often linking homosexuality with paedophilia, pornography and diseases. A member of the group put out a report in February entitled Promoting Buggery: Dire warnings of STD pestilence, and they have more recently been lobbying against anti-smacking legislation, and the "moral decline of television standards".    

Credit: News Staff

First published: Saturday, 10th September 2005 - 12:00pm

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