Following the lead of the American Exclusive Brethren, who paid significant financial support to the Bush campaign last year, the New Zealand branch of the secretive sect have been found to be behind the leaflets distributed this week entitled The Green Delusion and Healthcare, Who Cares? The leaflet targeting the Green Party warns voters that the Green Party allegedly plans to “Disarm our forces”, “Decriminalise illegal drugs”, “Offer financial assistance to cannabis growers fro alternative employment” and “Create ‘rainbow' communities”. Using the National Party colours, the leaflet is aimed at persuading people to vote for the National Party. Although they remain hidden behind security officers, and refuse to comment, the five people named on the leaflets are listed in a confidential Exclusive Brethren address book, claims Green Party co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimmons. She says no one from the group, which does not let its members vote, will front up to explain why they are taking a political stance. However this is not the first time the Exclusive Brethren have become involved in politics globally, as recently they were responsible for a long-running and sophisticated advertising campaign against gay marriage in Canada, and the group contributed a significant amount of funding to George W Bush's last two Presidential campaigns in America. The Greens are waiting to hear back after complaining to the Chief Electoral Officer that the leaflets breach the Electorate Act. The party is considering what further action it can take.
Credit: News Staff
First published: Wednesday, 7th September 2005 - 12:00pm