Electorate and party list nominations released last week show Destiny Party's certainty that voters are concerned about "moral issues", as they are running their candidates against the two current gay MPs. John Kotoisuva is standing against cabinet minister Chris Carter in Te Atatu, and Anita Breach hopes to challenge Tim Barnett in Christchurch Central. Breach has already begun her battle for the anti-gay vote in Christchurch, by talking up dissatisfaction by voters with what she calls the "moral climate created by a Labour-led government". She cites the civil union bill as a major moral issue, saying "97% of written submissions regarding this legislation were opposed to it but the select committee, chaired by Mr. Barnett, simply ignored the public." Destiny New Zealand are running 42 list candidates and 39 electorate candidates, about the same number as New Zealand First. This number shows their strong confidence in the conservative vote, and what they see as an increasing concern amongst New Zealanders for the lack of moral strength held by major parties.