An increase in gay characters on mainstream television programmes and all the publicity around civil unions is seeing tricky questions about same-sex relationships being asked in classrooms around New Zealand. Family Planning Association spokesperson Jane Harrison says it is now common for children as young as 5 or 6 to know what "gay" means. "They reckon it is pretty gross and horrible," she says. "Kids ask in class and say, 'Ew yuck, some people are gay, aren't they?' We respond to it and say, no it's not yuck, that's just some people's choice. We provide information – families provide values." Teachers spoken to by the Herald on Sunday agreed that while they were happy to answer questions about "the two women kissing on the television", issues surrounding homosexuality were sensitive and should be first raised in the home. Sexual health educators say it is good that same-sex relationships are being portrayed on television as a normal, positive part of today's society.