The Sunday Star-Times has launched an online survey to find out where New Zealanders stand on "moral issues", and questions relating to homosexuality feature strongly in the line-up. Respondents are asked whether they think it's OK for two people of the same sex to have "sexual relations", whether they would have a problem with a gay teacher teaching their child, whether gay couples should be allowed to adopt, whether they agree with civil unions for gay couples, and if the government has lost sight of "traditional family values". A section on discrimination asks respondents whether they think it's OK to discriminate against someone because of their sexual orientation in areas of employment, accomodation, and politics; and then whether they would discriminate in these areas personally. The survey is self-selected, can be entered via the use of a pseudonym, and has no restrictions on the amount of times it can be filled out, provided respondents deliver an email address. Star-Times editor Cate Brett says there has been heated debate over a number of moral and ethical issues recently, and this survey should be a good gauge of where New Zealand's moral compass is pointing. The survey will also be published in today's issue of the newspaper.