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'Boy prostitutes' scenario for NZ - Tamaki

Wed 20 Jul 2005 In: New Zealand Daily News

12.15AM: A claim that soon "young boys will be selling their [sexual] wares to men in New Zealand" was amongst the scare-mongering scenarios predicted by anti-gay Destiny Church and political party guru Brian Tamaki at a public meeting last night. Speaking in Christchurch, towards the end of his A Nation under Seige tour of the country drumming up support for Destiny's election campaign, Tamaki also claimed that that a hidden agenda behind the civil unions campaign and subsequent legislation was to promote "the gay lifestyle" to children. He said children "now feel the gay lifestyle is not only normal, but to be pursued," and referred to "people who vote in homosexuals, pot smokers... crackpots!" A peaceful protester against Destiny, understood not to be pro-gay, was evicted from the public meeting. Tamaki will address meetings in Dunedin tomorrow (Wednesday) night and Invercargill on Thursday night.    

Credit: News Staff

First published: Wednesday, 20th July 2005 - 12:00pm

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