A conference focussing on safety in schools for GLBT students and teachers earlier this month was well attended, with many important issues raised and plans for action formulated. The Safe Schools for Queers conference was organised by gay youth advocacy group Out There. Co-ordinator Sarah Helm says 190 people attended, with numbers being made up of around 80 teachers and 80 young people. The rest comprised other representatives from the education, youth and health sectors. A handful of schools paid for staff or students to attend, but the vast majority were there in an independent capacity. Major issues raised were around "bullying; diversity groups for students; transgender and intersex issues in schools; safety for teachers. We are establishing a national campaign," says Helm. "[We're] after school-wide change - policy, curriculum, student support, teacher-training and harassment procedures." Gay/straight alliance groups, similar to those set up in schools across America, were also discussed. "Diversity groups have been one of the main focuses of the conference and will be of the campaign," Helm says. "This was seen as one of the most positive and real changes schools/youth could make."