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Lesbians abused over Asher case

Sun 19 Jun 2005 In: New Zealand Daily News

A lesbian couple living in Piha who helped Iraena Asher in the hours before she disappeared from the seaside village are being abused for their sexuality and accused of complicity in the disappearance by fellow villagers. Julia Woodhouse and Bobbie Carroll cared for Asher for four hours before she disappeared into the October night. A sister of the man whose home Asher fled to make her now infamous 111 call (police sent a taxi, and to an address in southern Auckland) has told the Sunday Star-Times that she thinks the missing woman is buried beneath the lesbian couple's house. Other near neighbours have shouted abuse at the couple. But Woodhouse and Carroll have strong support for their caring attitude and attempt to assist Asher from a number of other residents as well as police investigating the abuse directed at them.    

Credit: News Staff

First published: Sunday, 19th June 2005 - 12:00pm

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