A Brian Tamaki-produced anti gay and anti civil union propaganda film has been passed to the Chief Censor by the Film and Video Labeling Body; due to concern about its explicit political and anti-gay content. The Destiny Church DVD, New Zealand, a Nation Under Siege; has failed in its first attempt to be rated for general release. "The content of the disc was very, very political. There was some content in there, particularly the views against the gay community, which I think should be considered by a higher authority" stated Bill Hood, of the labeling body. Destiny Church receives tax breaks as a charitable organisation, and IRD regulations prohibit political activity by such charitable groups. A Destiny Church spokeswoman said it was expected the DVD would be cleared for classification, if not "we will make a big fuss about it". 'Bishop' Brian Tamaki had planned to use the film on his upcoming national tour which begins on Tuesday, and the Chief Censor has said he will try to have the DVD classified by the middle of this week.