The Government is now reserving comment on whether it will support a ban on gay marriage, a proposal it rubbished when raised last year. United Future MP Larry Baldock's "George Bush" bill will amend the Marriage Act to specifically exclude gays and lesbians, as well as altering anti-discrimination protections for gays in the Bill of Rights. A spokesperson for the Prime Minister's office would not re-confirm its previous outright dismissal of Baldock's bill, made to in December. The Government now says Baldock's bill will be treated “in the same manner as any Private Member's bill”, meaning it will be left up to the Labour caucus on Tuesday to decide how it will vote; for or against, on party lines or as a conscience vote. The National Party is also reserving comment at this stage on how they will vote on Baldock's bill. A spokesman for leader Don Brash said the party will make a decision at their next caucus meeting, also on Tuesday.