The notion that a recent near-plane crash involving the Prime Minister is a warning from God because she supported civil unions is akin to medieval witchcraft, says Anglican vicar Hugh Kempster. The statements were made by fringe fundamentalist Garnet Milne, who believes God personally interferes in the daily lives of humans to express his displeasure at their actions and warn them that he is annoyed. “The Prime Minister, one of the vocal supporters of homosexual civil unions, received such a warning in a recent plane trip where she feared for her life," Milne wrote. "Instead of announcing her good luck, she should turn to God in Christ in repentance and faith. God will not be mocked." Kempster says such a notion is ridiculous, and an example of a view of God that is out-of-date, superstitious, medieval and akin to witchcraft. “Theology has developed so far over the last two hundred years, since the Enlightenment," he says. "Most mainstream ministers and priests have been to theological colleges. Some leave that behind and practice a dishonest form of Christianity, but the world is round – not square."
Credit: News Staff
First published: Wednesday, 27th April 2005 - 12:00pm