A number of major media outlets have been trying with little success to contact same sex couples who plan to commit to a Civil Union in the near future. From today heterosexual and same-sex couples can formally choose to join in a civil union but television and newspapers seem to be having difficulty identifying such couples. GayNZ.com content editor Jay Bennie says he is not surprised by their lack of success so far. "I think most couples without a connection to the Civil Unions campaign have other criteria for the timing of their ceremony other than getting in quick," he says. Apart from a small number of high-profile and long-established couples, such as MP Chris Carter and his partner Peter Kaiser, and CU campaign 'poster boys' John Jolliff and Des Smith, very few couples have publicised their immediate intention to formally unite. "Timing seems more likely to be dependent on availability of time off from work, relatives' and friends' movements, time of year and other factors" says Bennie, who says he knows of several couples who plan to commit to a civil union on an anniversary of their first date, generally some time off. Bennie says that if same sex couples wish to announce publicly to the glbt community that they intend to join in a civil Union, GayNZ.com will trial run a Civil Union Announcements listing as a community service.