Gays and lesbians have continued to be political cannon fodder in the latest Parliamentary bitch-fight over the John Tamihere interview. The Prime Minister yesterday faced questions in the House from ACT leader Rodney Hide, who appears to be siding with Tamihere over allegations that the country is being run by an anti-family cabal of lesbians. Hide asked: "what part of the following statement made by Mr Tamihere is false: Helen being brutalised by people who have called her a lesbian, no children and all the rest of it? Her key adviser Heather Simpson is a butch?" The interjections came thick and fast from Labour, with Trevor Mallard hissing something about "child molesters" and Michael Cullen shouting that "if he [Hide] gets in the gutter he gets kicked", alluding to the heat Hide has taken over the Jim Peron affair. Both interjections were ruled out of order. The Prime Minister responded: "Only last week Mr Hide, to his credit, defended a man against allegations that at that time appeared to be based on homophobia. I am surprised that he would ask the sort of question he has asked in the House today." ACT's Heather Roy also took up the charge of 'anti-family' accusations: “How can New Zealanders interpret this statement by Mr Tamihere: “They don't have families. They've got nothing but the ability to plot. I've gotta take my kid to soccer on Saturday, they don't.”, except as indicating that this Labour Government has no understanding of, and no empathy with, New Zealand families?” she asked the PM. “Every New Zealander has a family,” the PM responded. "Families take many forms in our society, and I think we should respect those choices."
Credit: News Staff
First published: Wednesday, 6th April 2005 - 12:00pm