Those looking to celebrate the life and ministry of Christianity's founding figure, Jesus Christ, may be rather surprised to find the Destiny Church silent this year on the most important event of the Christian calendar. The website of the anti-gay television church carries no Easter message, only links to Brian Tamaki's infamous anti-homosexuality sermons, as well as the distinctly un-Christ-sounding Vipers of Religion and How To Cast Out Demons. A search of Destiny's events calendar finds absolutely nothing listed celebrating Easter. No events are listed at all as occurring on Easter Sunday. Good Friday, the day on which Christians remember the death, crucifixion and sacrifice of Christ, lists only events for youth. One is called Destiny Kids – Showdown, which is held every Friday. It promises a “an exciting, action packed evening for children aged 8 - 12 years”. The front page of Destiny's website currently says Tamaki's vision is to build “large, great Spirit-filled Churches to impact the nation of New Zealand and the World for Jesus Christ”. It also provides a prominent plug for a tourism business run by Tamaki's brothers: "If you are considering visiting our wonderful country visit this link for ‘Tamaki Tours' as a brilliant local attraction that delivers the authentic New Zealand cultural experience". Jesus doesn't appear to be on the menu there either.