An unforgettably horrifying week for Winston Peters smear victim and contributor Jim Peron has ended with a surprise visit from Internal Affairs to his bookstore, which Peters alleged was a pornography shop. Peron says two agents from Internal Affairs dropped in to inspect his bookstore yesterday, a seemingly casual visit, but he thinks it's no coincidence. "I didn't think anyone took that accusation seriously but apparently someone took it seriously enough to look into it. Both men were rather pleasant about the whole thing. They looked around, inspected what we sell and gave us a clean bill of health." Peron found himself at the centre of a storm of publicity earlier this week when the NZ First leader used parliamentary privilege to falsely accuse Peron of being a paedophile who was evicted from his last country of residence, South Africa. Peters refused to repeat or stand by the comments outside Parliament, and has not produced any evidence to prove the allegations, yet continued to attack Peron all through the week in Parliament, at one point referring to him as a "fart-blossom". On a positive note, Peron says he has been inundated with emails and phone calls of support from total strangers, some of which have moved him to tears.
Credit: News Staff
First published: Saturday, 12th March 2005 - 12:00pm