As the followers of Destiny prepare for their hate march up Queen Street to protest against legal rights for same-sex couples, the national leader of Baptist Churches has urged other Christians not to take part. Brian Winslade wrote an open letter last week telling Christians not to support public demonstrations and, in particular, the fledging political movement of the Destiny Church. "There are occasions when pastoral care of the flock includes protection from harmful wolves. In my mind this is such an occasion,” he wrote. “Could it be that such public displays are embarrassing the wider Christian community and stigmatising fellow Bible-believing Christians?" The website for the march, “Defend the Legacy”, makes it clear what the whole point of today's exercise is; a stand against the gay and lesbian community. The Civil Union Act is labelled “the single most devastating piece of legislation ever". "Now children will be taught homosexuality is normal and even a desirable lifestyle choice. It's only a matter of time before expressing a biblical position on homosexuality will be a criminal offence," it goes on to say. Numbers expected at the march vary widely according to different media sources. Tamaki originally claimed 20,000 would turn up. Today's Dominion Post reports an estimate of 10,000, “fewer than an earlier prediction of 15,000”. Police inspector Jim Wilson told Newstalk ZB around 6,000 were anticipated.