Blessed with fine weather and kept under tight control by Destiny minders the anti-gay Destiny church and political party marchers are now well up Queen Street carrying their anti-Civil Unions message decrying what they believe is moral decay in New Zealand. They have been confronted several times by small groups of pro-CU protesters including two young topless women with body-painted messages "Muff is enough" and "Keep your religion off my tits." Otherwise there seems to be a complete absence of pro-glbt messages on display. reporters in the crowd say both the marchers and counter-marchers are well behaved with a light police presence merely ensuring that the march continues up to Myers Park unimpeded. The number of Destiny marchers has been estinated at "somewhat over 1500" and the number of anti-Destiny protesters is markededly less. Adding to the red, white and blue Destiny group is a secondary group of religious protesters in red t-shirts bearing the message "Self-control instead of birth control." Our reporters, who also covered the march on Parliament live late last year, say this march seems to carry none of the threatening behaviour of the Wellington march which was widely criticised for its aggressive, militaristic attitude characterised by fists in the air and simillar aggressive posturing.