Although their numbers have swelled glbt and student protesters standing up to the anti-gay Destiny church and political party's Auckland rally number only about 150. They are currently surrounded by an estimated 8,000 chanting, screaming and cheering Destiny acolytes many of whom are facing them eye to eye with barely disguised looks of hatred and disgust, according to a reporter with the group. Deep in the mob reporter Chris Banks says the white-uniformed Destiny minders are a particularly dominating presence. "They're physically big, they're giving off plenty of staunch attitude and their uniforms give a strong impression of solidarity and control," says Banks. Despite their small numbers the protesters managed to maintain a chant of "Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit..." through Destiny guru Brian Tamaki's speech containing anti-gay, anti-Civil Unions rhetoric which was received with cheers and chanting by the massed crowd.