Whilst the huge fundamentalist crowd gathered in inner-city Auckland to be revved up by their religious and political leaders has given unanimous acclaim to messages of religious conservatism and calls for political action they have largely ignored their main political figurehead. Disgraced ex-policeman Richard Lewis, who is the leader of Destiny church's political wing Destiny New Zealand, was notably ignored by the crowd, say GayNZ.com's reporters amongst the crowd. Following on from speakers drawn from fundamentalist church pulpits Lewis's call for a return to family values and claims that the passing of the Civil Unions bill has "legitimised" homosexuality failed to captivate the crowd, many of whom turned away to talk amongst themselves. The colourful, noisy rally in fine weather has been largely well-controlled by Destiny's crowd minders and is scheduled to soon wind down. GayNZ.com reporters at the anti-CU march will then relocate to report from conter protest actions being held by students and glbt folk in the inner city.