Live appearances in-studio from two civil union activists scheduled to face off against Brian Tamaki on a new Sky TV current affairs programme were mysteriously cancelled on the eve of the broadcast, says one of the jilted guests. Anglican priest and Christians for Civil Unions co-spokesperson Hugh Kempster was scheduled to appear on Wednesday's edition of Williams Up Front in the studio with host Larry Williams and Tamaki, along with Jeremy Lambert from the Campaign for Civil Unions. "I was originally asked to come into the studio, but I got a call from the producer saying they'd done a rehearsal and didn't have enough cameras," says Kempster. "That may be legit, but I do wonder whether Mr Tamaki said he didn't want to be on the show with anyone else." Kempster was asked to call in via telephone instead, hardly a level playing field for debate. Lambert from the civil unions campaign heard nothing more from producers after the initial contact, and did not appear on the programme.